Albert Einstein Academy, AZ will be opening in the Fall of 2024. Join us in creating a "one of a kind" school culture from the very beginning!

Albert Einstein Academy

Tax Deductible Donations

Your Giving Makes a Difference to Each and Every Student at Albert Einstein Academy, AZ

Albert Einstein Academy, AZ is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization, which accepts donations and contributions. Donations are deductible on both Federal and State Income Taxes (some limits apply). As a charter school,
we receive approximately $2,000 less per scholar than district public schools. We graciously ask our parents and community for financial support to help make up the difference in funding so that we can provide our students the very best educational opportunity in AZ!
Read More about the funding differences between charter schools and large district schools.
 There are Two Ways to provide Financial Support:  

Thank you for your generosity!