Albert Einstein Academy, AZ will be opening in the Fall of 2024. Join us in creating a "one of a kind" school culture from the very beginning!

Albert Einstein Academy

Enrollment Process

We Are Excited That You Are Considering Albert Einstein Academy, AZ
We will be enrolling scholars in grades K thru 4 for the 2024-25 Academic School Year.
Albert Einstein Academy, AZ is a tuition free, Public Charter School with low teacher/student ratios and rigorous, interdisciplinary learning opportunities. We expect our school to receive more Enrollment Applications then we have seats available for the 2024-25 school year. If our school has more Enrollment Applicants then we have seats available, A.R.S. §15-184 requires Albert Einstein Academy, AZ to utilize a lottery system to determine the order of admissions for potential students. All scholars not admitted during the lottery process will be placed on a waitlist and will receive an offer of admission according to her/his waitlist order and seat availability.
*Pursuant to ARS §15-184.J Pursuant to ARS §15-184.J Albert Einstein Academy, AZ will not admit any pupil who has been expelled from another educational institution or who is in the in the process of being expelled from another educational institution.